FAQs: Vision Therapy May Be What Your Child Needs

Improve your child’s confidence levels with vision therapy!

Vision therapy is a personalized program designed to improve visual skills and abilities. It is a non-surgical, customized treatment that aims to retrain the brain and eyes to work together more efficiently.

Unlike traditional eye care that primarily focuses on correcting refractive errors with glasses or contact lenses, vision therapy targets the underlying visual dysfunction. It involves a series of specialized exercises and activities that are tailored to each individual's specific needs and goals.

Common Eye Conditions Treated with Vision Therapy

Vision therapy can be beneficial for individuals of all ages, addressing a variety of visual challenges. Some common eye conditions and visual problems that can be treated with vision therapy include:

  • Amblyopia (Lazy Eye): This condition occurs when one eye fails to develop proper vision during childhood, leading to reduced visual acuity in that eye.
  • Strabismus (Eye Misalignment): Also known as crossed eyes or wandering eyes, strabismus occurs when the eyes are not properly aligned, causing double vision or suppression of one eye's image.
  • Convergence Insufficiency: This condition makes it difficult for the eyes to work together when focusing on near objects, leading to eye strain, double vision, and difficulty with reading or close work.
  • Visual Processing Disorders: These disorders affect the brain's ability to interpret and process visual information, impacting tasks such as reading, writing, and visual-motor skills.
  • Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBIs): Vision therapy can help individuals who have suffered from TBIs by addressing visual deficits and improving visual skills related to balance, coordination, and spatial awareness.

Isn't 20/20 Vision Enough?

If a child has been told that they have ‘20/20 sight’, it means that they can clearly see the letters on the chart 20 feet away. The child may excel in reading the letters on the vision charts on the wall, yet lack the necessary visual skills needed for reading, writing, and learning — all of which can adversely impact their performance in school and in sports.

Keep in mind that school screenings, and even some regular eye exams, generally evaluate sight (visual acuity) only and most do not assess the essential vision skills required for sports, extensive computer use, reading and learning. Furthermore, it is common to not need glasses and still have poor visual skills. Therefore, a functional vision exam will determine whether a child has poor visual skills, and if so, a tailor-made vision therapy program will be put in place to help the patient succeed and reach their potential.

What Are Some Major Benefits of Vision Therapy?

Developing visual skills can lead children to become better learners and students. In fact, vision therapy can be a key component in preparing a child for higher education, as increased success can lead to a rise in self esteem and greater confidence in one's abilities. This newfound confidence will inevitably trickle into other areas, positively impacting the youngster's quality of life and achievements.

How Long Does It Take to See Results?

Results depend on the child's active participation and compliance with the program. Over time, the more one trains their brain, the easier and more automated the exercises will become. Gains can be experienced from as little as a few weeks to six months.

What specific visual skills does vision therapy improve?

Vision therapy can improve various visual skills, including eye tracking, focusing, convergence, depth perception, visual-motor integration, visual perception, and visual processing speed.

How can parents monitor progress during their child's vision therapy?

Parents can monitor progress by observing changes in reading ability, attention, eye contact, and coordination. They can also communicate with the specialist to track improvements in specific visual skills.

What are the common signs that a child might benefit from vision therapy?

Common signs include reading difficulties, frequent headaches or eye strain, avoidance of near work, poor hand-eye coordination, and complaints of double vision or blurred vision.

How do you customize a vision therapy program for each patient?

Vision therapy programs are customized based on a comprehensive vision assessment, considering the individual's specific visual challenges and goals. This customization involves tailoring exercises and activities to address the patient's unique needs.

Can vision therapy help with digital eye strain?

Vision therapy can help alleviate digital eye strain by addressing issues such as eye focusing, eye teaming, and visual fatigue associated with prolonged digital device use.

What is the success rate of vision therapy for conditions like strabismus or amblyopia?

The success rate varies based on individual factors and the severity of the condition, but vision therapy has shown positive outcomes in treating conditions like strabismus and amblyopia.

What kind of exercises are involved in vision therapy sessions?

Exercises can include activities to enhance eye tracking, focusing, visual perception, and eye teaming, often involving tools like prisms, lenses, and specialized equipment.

How do you determine if a child is a good candidate for vision therapy?

A comprehensive eye examination by a developmental optometrist can determine if a child is a good candidate for vision therapy based on their specific visual challenges and developmental needs.

Are there activities or exercises that patients need to do at home in addition to in-office sessions?

Patients may be prescribed specific at-home exercises and activities to reinforce the progress made during in-office vision therapy sessions, promoting continuous improvement.

How does vision therapy impact everyday activities like reading or driving?

Vision therapy can positively impact everyday activities like reading, writing, sports performance, and driving by improving visual comfort, accuracy, and efficiency.

​​​​​​​Schedule Your Consultation with Eye Therapy Vision Rehabilitation Center Today

Vision therapy is a powerful and effective approach to addressing various visual challenges and enhancing visual skills. By retraining the brain and eyes to work together more efficiently, vision therapy can improve eye coordination, visual processing, and overall visual function. Whether you or a loved one are struggling with amblyopia, strabismus, convergence insufficiency, visual processing disorders, or the effects of a traumatic brain injury, vision therapy offers a personalized solution tailored to your specific needs.

If you or a loved one are experiencing visual challenges, it is essential to seek professional help. At Eye Therapy Vision Rehabilitation Center, our team and experienced developmental optometrist are dedicated to providing personalized vision therapy programs tailored to your specific needs.

Embrace the opportunity to unlock your full visual potential and enhance your quality of life with vision therapy. Contact us today to take the first step towards a brighter, clearer future.

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